Data Center FAQs2024-05-29T11:04:26-04:00

Data Center FAQs

If you have questions about data centers, review our frequently asked questions below for more information. If you have other questions, reach out anytime – we are happy to help.

What is a data center?2024-05-17T13:39:47-04:00

A data center is a facility that houses computer systems, servers, storage devices, networking equipment, and other components used for managing, storing, and processing data. It serves as the backbone of many digital services and applications.

Why are data centers important?2024-05-17T13:39:32-04:00

Data centers are essential for organizations to store and manage their data, run applications, and provide services to customers and users. They ensure data availability, security, and reliability. Data centers are also more efficient than traditional distributed data networks.

What are the primary functions of a data center?2024-05-17T13:39:14-04:00

Data centers primarily serve to store and process data, host applications and websites, and ensure the availability of critical IT resources. They also support disaster recovery, backup, and business continuity efforts.

What do data centers mean for local communities?2024-05-23T09:42:46-04:00

Data centers contribute substantial, steady revenue to the municipalities in which they’re located. Unlike other types of development, data centers don’t increase traffic or strain public resources like emergency services and public schools. Instead, they operate in the background, generating significant municipal revenue, which can be used to secure a prosperous community future.

How do data centers impact critical community services?2024-05-17T13:38:36-04:00

Data Centers simply don’t require the same level of public service support as other types of commercial developments.

  • Because data center operation doesn’t require a large employee pool, impact to local traffic, school systems, healthcare facilities, and other public services is minimal
  • Data centers are highly secure and monitored for temperature control and fire suppression onsite. This significantly reduces requirements for local emergency services.
What does a data center sound like?2024-05-23T09:41:49-04:00

Noise mitigation is a central focus in Oasis’ data center development process. Each project includes the latest soundproofing and acoustic engineering technologies to minimize noise and community impact.

What is a data center’s environmental impact?2024-05-17T13:38:01-04:00

While data centers require significant amounts of energy to operate, Oasis employs the latest research and development breakthroughs to continually improve energy efficiency, cooling methods, and sustainability practices.

How long does it take to build a data center?2024-05-17T13:37:20-04:00

A data center can take anywhere from 12-24 months to build. There are many factors that may come into play in that time frame, making this a general estimate.

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